Monday, August 27, 2018

First 3D Art Assignment

For this project I began by creating a cube with beveled edges in Maya, ten units by ten units by ten units, about a third of a foot.

In the Unreal engine, I imported the cube after saving it out from Maya as an .fbx file. I wished to create a parrot sitting on a perch out of the cubes. These are the initial stages.

To light the scene are two point lights and a sky light. There is also atmospheric fog and a sky dome.

Once the geometry had been arranged, it was time to add the material properties. I began with red, blue, and green, traditional parrot colors, and made instances for all of the others.
To make the materials appear more metallic and shiny, I set those properties to 1.0 and the roughness to 0, except for the perch. They also had a Fresnel Exponent of 18.63 in order to appear even more reflective.
I then removed the point lights, and replaced them with a directional light. The result turned out quite nicely.

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